A child psychiatrist is a doctor who specialises in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of emotional and behavioural disorders in children. A psychiatrist carries out examinations and examines the child and his or her family through conversation in order to establish a correct diagnosis and develop an individual treatment plan. Treatment may include psychotherapy, psychoeducation, lifestyle adjustments and, if necessary, medication.
Each age group has different, specific symptoms that could signal the need for a referral to a child psychiatrist. Some of these include:
If a child is experiencing difficulties that are significantly different from normal development, a child psychiatrist can provide appropriate help. The psychiatrist assesses the child's emotional and behavioural disturbances to identify the causes of the problem and develop an individual treatment plan. This enables the child to develop more harmoniously, improve his/her quality of life and adapt more successfully to his/her environment.
The child psychiatrist currently consults children and young people aged 12 to 18 years at the Vivendi Health Centre.