Nutritionist services

Nutritionist services

With the services of a nutritionist, you will be provided with information on how to improve your menu, prepare food to maintain its nutritional value, improve your well-being and strengthen immunity. During the consultation, myths and prejudices about eating habits and unhealthy foods will be dispelled.

The most common reasons why people make an appointment with a nutritionist are:

  • weight problems;
  • eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, compulsive overeating);
  • the need for an individually designed menu for prevention and treatment of chronic diseases (diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol);
  • desire to create a healthy and balanced menu for children, supporters of active lifestyle or professional athletes;
  • development of a balanced menu during pregnancy planning and breastfeeding;
  • interest in improving health through nutrition.

VIVENDI nutritionists are especially specialized in cases of eating disorders – compulsive overeating, anorexia and bulimia, as well as in counseling overweight patients.

During the first familiarization appointment, the nutritionist will find out all the necessary information about your medical history, eating habits, as well as perform diagnostic measurements and examinations. With the help of professional bioimpedance scales, body fat and bone and muscle mass will be determined with the aim of diagnosing problems that need increased attention.

In case of eating disorders, the nutritionist works in a team with other specialists of the health center "Vivendi", as a result of which the most suitable individual solution is developed in order to achieve positive changes in improving your quality of life.

To sign up for appointments, classes or programs at the health center "Vivendi", please use the electronic application form!

After making an appointment, the reception staff will contact you within 12 hours of receiving your application by sending an e-mail or calling the telephone number provided to confirm your preferred time for a visit to the chosen specialist.

Registration without confirmation by phone or email is not valid!

If you want to refuse or transfer the appointment, please notify us at least 24 hours in advance. Otherwise, you will have to pay for the unvisited service in the amount of 50%.

Make an appointment

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