

A psychiatrist is a specialist who understands the rapid pace of life today and the relentless desire to be socially active, in demand and successful. The fast pace of life can often be tiring and we only find ourselves when we feel exhausted. In the evenings we cannot fall asleep, we experience frequent and severe headaches, in time we stop to enjoy things and events that have previously brought joy and pleasure. Behind the feelings and emotions often lie serious, mental disorders, which require proper diagnosis and need the help and involvement of a professional specialist.

A friendly suggestion is that you need to talk to a specialist if you notice:

  • anxiety, prolonged stress, panic
  • mood disorders (long-term depressed mood, constantly changing mood, mania)
  • sleep disturbances (difficulty falling asleep, brittle night sleep, insomnia, waking up too early, excessive daytime sleepiness)
  • "Burnout" and chronic fatigue syndrome
  • eating disorders (poor appetite, fasting, uncontrolled overeating, markedly reduced or increased weight)
  • vegetative dysfunction of somatoforms
  • adaptation disorders in various difficult life situations (divorce, loss of a relative or other stressful events)
  • other mental disorders that make it difficult to function fully on a daily basis.

Before visiting a psychiatrist, please consider or write down:

  • severity and duration of existing disorders
  • major life events, psychotraumatic situations
  • whether there have been chronic, serious illnesses in their lifetime
  • what medications, vitamins, supplements you take.

If you have had any examinations or have been treated in a hospital during the last year, we invite you to take the results of the examinations and extracts from the hospital to the visit.

If necessary, additional clinical examinations (clinical tests, encephalogram, magnetic resonance imaging, etc.) may be prescribed.

Psychiatrist practices drug therapy, cognitive behavioral methods, supports psychotherapy. The specialist chooses the most appropriate type of therapy and assistance tactics in cooperation with the patient.

To sign up for appointments, classes or programs at the health center "Vivendi", please use the electronic application form!

After making an appointment, the reception staff will contact you within 12 hours of receiving your application by sending an e-mail or calling the telephone number provided to confirm your preferred time for a visit to the chosen specialist.

Registration without confirmation by phone or email is not valid!

If you want to refuse or transfer the appointment, please notify us at least 24 hours in advance. Otherwise, you will have to pay for the unvisited service in the amount of 50%.

Make an appointment

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