Today's fast-paced lifestyle tends to affect not only our emotional but also our physical health, leading to a variety of cardiovascular diseases. In order to diagnose them, protect themselves from further development of diseases and apply the most effective treatment, a cardiologist's consultation is required.
The most common risk factors for cardiovascular disease are: malnutrition, poor weight, insufficient physical activity, high daily stress, high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes and alcohol consumption, which over time can lead to serious heart problems.
FHD belongs to the group of diseases of functional somatic syndromes, which are characterized by complaints of the heart, but are not based on organic heart disease.
The most common symptoms of functional heart disease are: shortness of breath, palpitations and pain in the heart area, which are often associated with disorders of the autonomic nervous system, such as vegetative dystonia. In the case of FHD, it is characteristic that the complaints worsen after psycho-emotional stress and are associated with anxiety, depression and other psychopathologies. In addition to complaints about the heart, there are also complaints about other internal organs: pain of various localizations, complaints about the digestive organs (functional dyspepsia, irritable bowel syndrome), etc. With the appropriate course of treatment, it is possible to gradually get rid of these symptoms.
During the first visit, the cardiologist will get acquainted with you, your complaints and the data of previous examinations in order to develop an appropriate diagnostic plan and prescribe further treatment.
Patients are examined using electrocardiography (ECG), spirography (determination of external respiratory function), laboratory examinations, etc. Each patient is provided with a comprehensive and individual approach. Recommendations for changing lifestyle and existing habits on movement, rest and eating regimen, stress prevention to ensure the effectiveness of treatment are being developed.
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