Acupuncture doctor
Bioregulatory methods - such as acupuncture - play an important role in any health problem. In my practice, there have been patients with various medical conditions that acupuncture has helped.
I also offer my patients cosmetic acupuncture services, which work very well as part of anti-aging therapy.
In my work, together with acupuncture, I also use biopuncture and homeomesotherapy.
Riga Medical Institute, in the speciality in medicine. Diploma of excellence. (Med. Master)
Interuniversity Master's study program "Nutrition Science", Master's degree in health sciences in nutrition science
Specialization in acupuncture – certified acupuncture doctor
Additional education
Latvian Pool Polyclinic and Hospital, therapist
Latvian 4th polyclinic, therapist
Polyclinic VIA UNA, therapist, head of functional diagnostics department
In the health salon "Anita", acupunctur doctor, 2000 – 2006 yr.
Medical Practice "Aparmita", acupuncturist, 2006 – present
Speaks in Latvian, Russian and English.